Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ready to Ride, Almost ready to race

It has been a long winter and I for one am hoping that we really do get an early spring; but also a LONG spring. I love the mild weather and the longer days that come with it.

Another reason it has been a long winter is because three of us have had surgery, mine was least complicated, on December 16th I had surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff.

My shoulder is progressing very well, but rotator cuff surgery just happenns to have one of the longest recovery's of any surgery.

I can actually ride my bike for about an hour or so and NOT have the shoulder become TOO tired. So it will be a little while longer before I jump in any races. I find that rather ironic considering this time last year I had gone to NC to race Wolfpack. SO based on my progress I think I may look into this thing called CX. Just might have to figure what that is all about